Water Damage Restoration Could Be Avoided

Water damage restoration and repair companies in Upstate New York get more phone calls come fall.

Our own company, A-Plus Cleaning and Restoration also gets more calls from the homeowners and businesses alike.

There are a couple of obvious reasons:

Even though you can’t prevent rain or leaves from falling, there are a few things that you can do that could help avoid expensive water damage cleanup, repairs and restoration.

Let’s start with “the easy one”: gutters. When the gutters aren’t cleaned regularly, and especially in the fall, they get clogged up with the leaves. Later the clogging would be made worse by the ice that builds up.

When the gutters are clogged and don’t drain properly, the water pools up in different spots potentially creating the following problems:

1. Roofs that cave or leak because when the water can’t drain, it starts going up, finding a way out – often into your attick and the house.

2. When the gutters are not taking the water away from the house, the water damage to the foundation may be significant and water damage restoration fixing cracks to the foundation costly.

Some cracks are only cosmetic but others must be corrected to avoid water infiltration and future damage to the foundation walls integrity.

3. Pools of water around the house may cause damage not only to the foundation, but also to the driveway and landscaping.

4. Insects love moisture and clogged gutters provide the perfect breeding environment for the insects before the frost. If your home is built of wood, the problem could be even worse.

That list is incomplete, but if you want

to prevent water damage to your property, start with these 5 things this fall:

 If your property is in good condition and you regularly maintain it, going through this checklist will help you catch minor problems and prevent bigger water damage issues in the future.

If your home or your business needs assistance dealing with water damage issues and preventing them from happening, or if you have other concerns related to water damage call A-Plus Cleaning and Restoration 585-325-3000